What makes you happy? I know, big question, but a serious one. I ask because I wonder if you incorporate your "happy" into your decor?
For example, do you love horses, sailboats, cats or football?
What about colors? Have you painted the rooms in your living space the colors that make you happy? (I say living space intentionally so people in an apartment have no excuse. Paint the color you love, then paint it back to boring beige when you leave!)
Do you prefer deep, rich color with muted accents that make a room feel dark & cozy?
Or do you love deep rich color with bright accents that make the room feel elegant?
How about using your favorite color - no matter what it is???
What about just plain white?

The purpose of all these questions is to make you think intentionally about your space and if it makes you happy. If it does, share it with us! If it doesn't; change it!!
Next post, I'll share what makes me happy about my home. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing about your house!
Find the Fabulous!!
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